After an eventful New York Fashion Week,I thought about two local icons, Dapper Dan and Bill Cunningham. This designer and photographer, respectively,have each had incredible creative journeys spanning decades, their work woven into the rich fabric of this city. They have inspired generations of admirers with their accomplishments in fashion, style, art,and culture.
Often in this city you run into distinguished men such as these in all sorts of unexpected places. You do a double take, pause,and simply move on. Well, usually. . . . Several spring times ago, I was running up Cat Hill in Central Park(in marathon training mode)and headed straight toward this man parked in the middle of the road alongside a bicycle with basket. Camera in hand, he stood photographing a beautiful pink Dogwood overhead. It was Bill. I stopped, a bit breathless,and simply said hello and praised his work in the New York Times. He responded in kind, ever so humble.
Two weeks ago,I was on the number 1 subway train headed downtown from the Upper West Side, entranced in an iTunes groove. Glancing around the subway car to my neighbors I spotted an impeccably dressed gentleman in mostly Gucci attire standing nearby and realized it was Dapper Dan. As the trains lowed toward its next stop I approached;we had a friendly chat and I congratulated him on the reopening of his store in Harlem. An honor and delight.
I enjoyed reading these articles on the two legendary New Yorkers and wanted to share with you. Enjoy.
Dapper Dan
Bill Cunningham
“Money is the cheapest thing. Liberty is the most expensive.”